Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 3- Digital Tool 6 Prezi

I found the Prezi tool was a very different way of providing information technologically.  The concept seems simple and allows for self paced interaction which caters for students as individuals.  It also promotes learning through a playful interaction between written and other visual mediums.  I found it also provides ideas to be accessible to students who may need further understanding without weighing them down with a lot of pointless reading.  My one concern was the lack of vocal applications in the Prezi's, is it possible?  I know as a learner if both my visual and audio senses are engaged I tend to retain more information.  I have attached a link to a Prezi that was created by Maria Andersen in regards to learning through play that I found interesting, if a little to long, which can be another negative to this tool.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! Absolutely possible. You can upload audio and video to Prezi and add that extra multimedia element! I find it is HUGE for concept mapping (of a different sort) too - you can organise your materials to get a holistic picture, and then zoom in to get the detail... A wonderful tool!
