Thursday, November 25, 2010

Week 2: Static Website Reflection


I am really starting to enjoy working on my blog.  I am finding extra time to "play" with the technologies and now find that my confidence is starting to build slowly.  For the first two lessons I filt like I was trying to learn a foreign language at a University level.  Lack of confidence can be a huge barrier.

I enjoy working on my blog and using Bubbl to creating concept maps, however I am not so keen when working with Wiki or Webbly.  It may just be that because of my lack of technical understanding I am only able to full master and see the benefit of one new concept at a time.

I am finding the amount of creativity affordable to the construction of these technologies limited and an not sure if it is due to my limited technological experiences.  I enjoy being creative and using lots of colours, especially when creating interactive information for children and have found the colours and types of fonts available no have no real variety.

Uses For Blogging
  • Communication between school and home environments
  • Encourage self and peer assessment and evaluation
  • promotes the used of a variety of technologies to achieve one outcome
Benefits For Using Blogging

  •  I can see the application of website learning in classroom situation as a benefit for country schools and school with limited budgets to allow for virtual field trips
  • It would promote communication between different school not only in Australia but world wide through things such as collaborative presentations.
  • Homework could be set on the web to not only limit the amount of books children had to lug around but also to encourage technological learning through a concept that most modern children enjoy.
  • For hands on learners the application I feel would be massively beneficial by promoting learning through doing.

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