Put simply Blooms Taxonomy is our skills for think to promote learning in order from most simplest to most complex. Bloom gives us a guide for thinking in step-by-step format. However, we need to have understanding of each concept and the skills for its implementation before it can be of any use to us other wise it would be like giving a book to someone who is illiterate, pointless. By looking at the digital map of Bloos Taxonomy below we can gain a greater understanding of how each element can be connected to our thought process. Blooms taxonomy can be classified in 3 disiplines;
Attached is a link to a website that I found intersting. It contains sample questions and potential activites that may give further understanding of the concept behind Blooms Taxonomy. References: Tech & Learning Applying Blooms Taxonomy Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives |
Curtesy of: pediatricinc.wordpress.com |
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